Ytligt landskap, 2023
150 x 100 cm
Applicerad och borttagen färg på canvas

Unknown, lay bare, 2023
Stone: 38 x 26 x 24 cm
Canvas: 130 x 160 x 22 cm
Stone, cotton canvas, stone dust

A chosen stone was wrapped in cotton canvas, creating a vessel to carry it with, and taken to a selected place where it was unwrapped. With the stone kept on the canvas as supportive basis, I drilled holes in it until the battery was out. The stone and the stone dust was then wrapped up and carried back. In the studio I hanged the canvas on the wall and let the dust fall to the ground. The stone was placed on its temporary place. The procedure continued until a bigger piece of the stone fell off during the act of drilling.

The days, quiet, 2023
(19 x 24 cm) 61 x 24 cm
Installed photography

Untitled (breakdown), 2022
159 x 26 x 14 cm
Curtain rod [bent], gilt

Sårkant, 2022
24 x 20 cm
Golvbrunn [skuren], förgyllning

Without any name, 2019 –
37 x 48 x 53 cm
Element of nature, sealed plastic, time ongoing

Not a burden, 2018
27 x 11 x 22 cm
Stones, cement, thread

Objet petit a, 2019
66 x 24 x 12 cm
Fabric, plastic, plaster, paper, cement, stone, paint, varnish

Face to face, 2019
52 x 80 cm
Mirror, garbage bag, rubber band

Memory Lane, 2019
113 x 165 cm
One year, one canvas, 20 something paintings

Detour, 2019
160 x 160 cm
Re-moved paint on canvas

Complex corresponde, 2019
70 x 64 cm
Re-moved paint on canvas

Sutur [diptych], 2019
Left object: 160 x 30 x 30 cm
Right object: 22 x 27 x 8 cm
Found object, sweater, thread, frame

Collecting Piece, 2014
120 x 220 cm
A bed sheet, surroundings of importance (Köpmansgatan, the sea and morning walks)

Tabula rasa, 2015
280 x 400 cm
Fabric, time passed, curiosity (what does it look like minutes and hours?)

Bad habits die hard, 2015
80 x 60 x 150 cm
Pallet, glas, water, metal, tiers, asphalt, sealing foam, a planted clambering plant

Close up, 2015
53 x 47 x 33 cm
Plaster, thread, fabric, insulation 


Dear Maxim, 2005 – 2012
Out of an honest relationship

Piece of a whole, 2015
xx x xx cm [74 x 80 cm]
Carpet, paint, footprints

Scattered hideout, 2015
Fallen, from bridge railing
Edition of 5

. , 2016
800 x 345 x 300 cm
Ashes, plexiglass box, bureau